© 2010 Denim Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


Denim Computer Systems, Inc.
Computer Based Training

Denim Computers can help you develop on-line training systems that can differentiate your courseware from the rest of the pack. Based on experience gained from working with educational publishers like Person and Kaplan Denim understands learning management systems and has developed custom authoring applications for clients that permit courseware to be retargeted for multiple delivery channels. Imagine leveraging your authoring investment across web delivery and CD ROMs.

Denim's experience in computer interfacing and digital audio media can be combined in innovative ways. We have produced a unique telephone-based "English as a second language" content delivery system that is ideal for cell-phone based learning. This technology coupled with modern unlimited access cell phone plans provides a low cost ubiquitous delivery platform for your courseware.

Denim's CBT: Teaching computers new tricks.

Online English as a Second Language Training

Computerized Assessment

Telephone-based Training